Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blues' Clues

Aubree is 7 weeks old now. Every day she gets more beautiful and more interactive. She smiles when she sees me or jeremy, or someone else she recognizes. And she even watchs T.V. , which is especially nice because it keeps her occupied while I clean the house or cook dinner. Blues Clues is her favorite! She coos and smiles when they start singing "We just figured out Blues Clues, We just figured out Blues Clues, we just figured out Blue's Clues because we're really smart." It's so cute!!! Here's a video of her cuteness.


  1. This was Talan's favorite show forever. He still watches it sometimes. I heard it is one of the best shows for them to watch with the way it teaches them things. She is too cute!

  2. Grunter is so amazing. Jeremy and Allee are not so amazing but I love them anyway. Do you think they will teach her The Wheels on the bus go round-and-a-round?
