Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today after giving Aubree her lunch I asked he if she wanted a cookie (vanilla wafer). She said "yes". Then I asked her "can you say cookie?", and wouldn't you believe it, SHE DID!! It took her a few tries to actually get it right, but she said it, not once but TWICE! She is so smart :)

The pictures below are from the other night when Jeremy brought home cases of candy, yes I said CASES! Aubree was so intrigued.w`

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been a while....

It's been quite some time since I blogged. And looking back at the older posts I realize that it's so nice to be able to go back and not only see the pictures, but also see what I wrote about what she was learning to do at those times. So here it is the new scoop on my adorable bundle of joy. I'm not going to commit to an everyday post, but I do promise to update you more often on how she's doing.

A lot has happened since I last blogged:
Aubree started walking about two months ago.

She turned one and we had a nice birthday party for her and Avery.

We wiened her from the bottle to a BIG girl sippy cup, and two days into it she stole a little boy's bottle right out of his mouth at daycare.

She FINALLY sleeps through the night in her own bed. It's so easy to put her to bed now. Thank you Super Nanny for teaching me how to get her to that point!

She also says a few select words; Dada, Mama, kitty, baby, Weasy and Wayway (both words meant to be Weasel), sit (currently pronounced "shit"), and when you ask her what a cow says she'll say "mmmmm" (she hasn't quite got the "ooooo" part). When it's bath time I tell her to go find the bath and she'll walk right into the bathroom and wait patiently for me to come start the water and get her into that warm water. She LOVES the bath!