Friday, April 17, 2009

Wiggly and Giggly

Aubree is growing so fast. Now I know people say "Kids grow so fast", and I hated when people said that. I always thought they meant that the time went by so fast, that all the sudden they looked back and realized how old their kids were. But now I understand the true meaning. Just 2 months ago Aubree was learning to smile. Now she's all wiggly and giggly; laughing and trying to roll over. One thing that hasn't changed is her adorable personality and the way her face turns bright red when she poos. It's nice to know it took that much effort from the time we were born.

I'm starting to notice the little things she does that make her who she is. Like, she curls her toes when she eats... and she raises her eyebrow when she thinks something is funny. She likes to be on the same level as us. She wants to sit up on the couch and watch us do things the things we do. She LOVES being naked and getting her diaper changed. And she likes the shower more than the bath.

1 comment:

  1. You started a blog because your sister in law said you have to....hahha. Its funny cause its true.
    I love the baby grunt and she does grow up fast. Everytime I see her, she is different, and the pooing part still cracks me up.
