Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Aubree usually lets out a screeching cry when we give her a bath. It made me not even want to give her baths. So today I decided to try something different. Instead of putting her in the newborn bath (this net thing you can attach to the baby tub that holds her in the water), I put her in the infant tub (same baby tub, just without the net thing). She loved it! Instead of crying she was smiling. So sweet :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Don't let the bed bugs bite
Jeremy and I have decided it's time for Aubree to sleep in her own room. Actually, Jeremy decided that about 4 weeks ago, but I didn't feel comfortable having her in another room. It was so easy and comforting for me to have her right by by side so I could make sure she was breathing. I know that might sound dumb, but the thought of SIDS scares the crap out of me. So a few nights ago I decided it was time. I thought for sure she would fight me on it. To my suprise she grunted herself to sleep, slept for her usual 5 hours, ate, then went right back to sleep for another 3 hours.
I just fed her and put her to bed a few minutes ago. So much better than waiting for her to fall asleep so I can go to bed. Night, Night. Sleep Tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
I just fed her and put her to bed a few minutes ago. So much better than waiting for her to fall asleep so I can go to bed. Night, Night. Sleep Tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cooking with Mommy and Phone Time with Daddy
I've really been in the mood to do some blogging lately. And I'm really enjoying the different text colors (hehe!).
Tonight I decided to do some creative cooking. Jeremy always brags about me being a good cook. I can transform pretty much anything into a meal. I guess that's the one good quality I got from my dad. I haven't really cooked since I was a few months pregnant because it made me sick, but cooking is my relaxation. I LOVE it! One of Jeremy's favorite dishes is taco soup, which is wonderful. But I have made it twice in the past month, so I wanted to try something a little different. So I took a few of the same ingredients and developed these delicious stuffed green peppers (hence the green font). The best part was having Aubree in the Kitchen with me. She was in that mood she gets in where I have to be in the same room as her (this usually happens between 5 and 7 each night). Even if Jeremy is there with her, she just wants to be able to see me. So I put her in her bouncer and put her in the kitchen with me and she watched me cook. Soon she'll be helping me cook... cracking the eggs and mixing things together... but for now she'll just listen to me explain what I'm doing. She seems to be quite content with that for now.
Aubree is such a Daddy's girl. Today Jeremy called me on his way home from work and when Aubree heard his voice she smiled and coo'd as if she was saying hi (no really, it sounded like she said hi). So I put the phone up to her ear so Jeremy could talk to her. She smiiiled and made little noises like she was talking back. It was so cute. My baby is a genius!! No really. I think babies are smarter than we give them credit for.
Blues' Clues
Aubree is 7 weeks old now. Every day she gets more beautiful and more interactive. She smiles when she sees me or jeremy, or someone else she recognizes. And she even watchs T.V. , which is especially nice because it keeps her occupied while I clean the house or cook dinner. Blues Clues is her favorite! She coos and smiles when they start singing "We just figured out Blues Clues, We just figured out Blues Clues, we just figured out Blue's Clues because we're really smart." It's so cute!!! Here's a video of her cuteness.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Miss Smiles
I was trying to video tape Aubree grunting, as that is what she is known for. As soon as I put the camera in front of her she just started smiling.... my cutie pie!
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